Monday, September 21, 2015

Back to Work!!

I got the job!!!  I got the job :(  I got the job.  omg, I got the job :)

Where to start ... maybe I'll start from the beginning!!

I've said for a few years now, that if I were to return to my previous career, I would want to work in the school system.  I thought it would be great, being that OTA's in the school system work a compressed work schedule during the school months and have the summers off.  Sounded right up my alley!  Add to that, I would be working with kindergarten and grade 1 students (for the most part) and it seemed like the perfect job for me.

I had applied on a posting a few years ago and did not get a call back, which is probably a good thing because at that point in time, I don't think I would have accepted an offer.  Fast forward to July ... a friend of mine works as an OTA in the school system and texted me to tell me there was a part time position posted on the AHS website.  I quickly went to look at the posting and applied that night.  I knew that I was possibly ready to return to work because I was slightly excited and nervous, waiting for a call back!  Then, I did get a call.  And then I was really nervous because I had this feeling that I was going to get the job.  So I was a ball of excitement and nervousness, all rolled in to one.  With a little bit of doubt, thrown in there!!  I couldn't make an in person interview so they offered me a phone interview (I've already blogged about that!).  A few days later I was offered the job.  I was super excited but a little bit unsure.  How could I return to work after so much time off?  How would this affect my family?  Would the kids need to go to a day home?  The position is a .48 FTE, which equals 23.25 hours/week for the months of September to June.  I threw around some possible scenario's and decided I would accept the offer.  Then I freaked out a little bit and decided there's no way I could make it work.  So I called the manager and said (my exact words), "I am sorry, I really want to make this work but I don't think I can accept the position."  To which she asked me why it wouldn't work and I listed off these reasons: 1) my youngest is in kindergarten and doesn't start until Sept 14 (the start date for the position was Sept 1) 2) I would miss too many field trips/special events/PD days (because I'd be working in the public system and our kids are in the Catholic system). I think I again said, "I'm sorry."  Lisa, the manager, then told me not to worry.  If I'd like the position, I could choose a better start date and that even if my vacation hours hadn't accrued enough to take a day off, I could take an unpaid day if I wanted.  I told her I'd call her back!  So I talked to Cal about it (some more, I'd already talked his ear off about it!!) and decided I WOULD take it!!  I called Lisa back and confirmed (again) that she was sure there would be no problem with me taking unpaid days!  To me, one of the most important parts of being a stay at home mom is being able to drop off and pick up my kids from school and also being able to attend field trips and special events (here and there, not every one!)!  So we worked out my hours and set a start date!

I am an Occupational Therapy Assistant, working with an Inclusive Learning team for the Edmonton Public School Board.  Students and classes are referred to an Occupational Therapist, who then assesses the class/students and refers them on to me for treatment.  Much of the treatment involves printing and fine motor skills.  I'll be working in schools across the city but my office is at ParkAllen school, which is by the University.  Although I have my laptop and phone and most likely will not be at the office every day.  I can start and end my day where ever is convenient (ie, a school I am working at or an Inclusive Learning office that is near to where I am).  My hours are Mondays, 8 to 4:30, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday's, 9 to 2, off on Thursdays.  Cal does pick ups and drop offs on Mondays and I get to do all the other days, plus have all day off on Thursday with Reese (she doesn't have school on Thursdays) and 1/2 the day with all 3 kids (Blake and Emerson get out at 11:46 am on Thursdays)!

We're only into week 2 but so far, so good!!  I'm enjoying it thus far, although it's been too many days of IT issues!!!!  Setting up my laptop and phone has been a pain in the you know what ;)  I forgot about that part of a new position.  I'll finally be in a school tomorrow and I can't wait to being working with a great group of grade 1 students!  We'll being doing a printing module tomorrow.  When we do modules, it is one hour a week, for 5 weeks.  The idea is that once a teacher has participated in 1 module, they will be able to continue to carry it out throughout the school year and in future years.  The entire class participates in our modules.  We also work one on one with specific students.

My heading back to work is probably the biggest change for Reese.  Blake and Emerson won't really notice a difference because they're in school while I'm working!  Reese will be at a day home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  Maria picks her up at Kindergarten at 11:20, walks her home for lunch and I pick Reese up at 2:30, before going to the school to pick up Blake and Em at 2:56.  There was some day home shuffling before I began work, originally Reese was taking the bus to another day home but that didn't work out and this is actually much better!  Maria's daughter is in Blake's class so I've known her for a few years now.  Her house is not even a block from the school, which is very convenient.  Reese is glad she doesn't have to take the bus!  If I'm delayed at all, Maria will walk Reese to the school and I will meet them there (Maria goes to the school anyways, to pick up her 2 girls!).

It's been an absolutely amazing 6 years at home full-time with my 3 beautiful kiddo's, I wouldn't trade a second of it.  But I am really ready to get back into a career and have something for myself.  I'm glad I was able to find a position that works out so well for our family and still allows me to spend before and after school and their early dismissal days with them :)  Oh, and summers!!  And Spring Break and Christmas Break!  Thank you to Cal for making this easy for me, for rearranging his Mondays and for letting me work out the logistics and ultimately, leaving the decision to return to work up to me! 

And last but not least, I'm excited to get a paycheck ;)  lol!

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