Thursday, September 17, 2015


Blake is the newest member of the KC Saints, the second rep team in KC!! Congratulations to our boy :) He skated hard during evaluations and is so excited to be a Saint!!  He's pretty proud of making a rep team but really, he's most excited to be playing with his buddies, Dante and Cameron!  It's been a crazy few weeks, since the teams were named.  Cal was asked to Head Coach and said yes.  It's been an unbelievable amount of work thus far but I'm sure every second will be worth it ;)  Rep has proven to be significantly different than house league.  We knew it would be different but it's a whole new 'game'.  Budget's, extra ice time, mandatory apparel, fundraising, team power skating, dry land training, cash calls, etc, etc.  A lot of planning is involved!!  Our good friend Adriana volunteered to be team manager and I am the team treasurer, so together with Cal we've spent a large majority of our weekends on the above!!  Adriana jokes that Cal is her hockey husband and she spends more time texting/emailing him than she does with her own husband!  Good thing we're such great friends, we all laugh about it!!  The team has been on the ice a lot and is on the ice Saturday (with a bottle drive before practice!), Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday!!  4 of those ice times are team power skating with Donna Stewart, one is a 1.5 hr, full ice practice and Sunday is an exhibition game.  These boys will be in great shape by April ;)  Our team will be in tier 2A (the second highest tier in EMHA).  We're in for a great year of hockey and to be honest, I'm most excited to be on a team where all the players and the parents are 110% hockey crazy and dedicated, just like us ... lol!!  Let the fun begin!!!

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