Thursday, May 3, 2007

Five more days (at the most)!!

Yeah! Now the count down is definitely on!! If I don't have the baby in the next 4 days, I will be getting induced on Monday! I am feeling pretty good still. Mostly just tired, although one of the reasons I am writing this blog tonight is because I can't fall asleep!? So, yeah I am still having trouble sleeping at night, my hips are still bugging me and now whenever I turn over or get up my pelvis cracks and hurts and I stumble (usually to the bathroom for the millionth time!). But overall I am doing good!! Cal is doing good too! He is ready to be a Dad and I so excited because he will be fantastic! He is very busy at work, but now that he is permanent in his position and not on loan to engineering, he got a new work laptop and his boss has told him he can work from home occasionally so he's looking forward to that! He had a cold start a few days ago, so hopefully it will go away soon. I don't know if anyone wants to hear about this or not, but since it is a pregnancy related event I will tell you that I did lose my mucus plug today, but I won't go any further into detail!!! Everyone is wondering what I've been doing with my time, but it seems to go by quite fast! I'm staying pretty close to home and keeping busy with housework and emailing and Facebooking. I usually pick a few things to do each day and keep busy that way! And for all those people wondering if I just want this baby out of me (seems to be a common question) - no not really! I mean, I do want to meet the little one (I was tempted to type guy!), hold it in my arms and begin our lives as parents and a new family, but I think I will miss being pregnant! I've really enjoyed it and it will be strange to not feel those kicks and be able to talk to my stomach! Although everything will be new and I may forget about that stuff until things settle down! I am not feeling anxious about labour right now, but I know myself and I don't tend to stress or even really think too much about things until the time actually arrives, so when labour really starts it may be a different story! But we are all ready for baby. Cal has the car seat installed in his truck and it has been checked over by Carmen (the veteran) and his co-worker who has 3 young boys! And of course our bags are packed! Now I'm going to try and go to sleep (attempt #3) and I think I might turn the ringer off on the phone, since those 1-800 #'s tend to enjoy calling in the a.m.!! Talk to you soon!

Luv us all!

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