Thursday, April 10, 2008

Great Vacation!

We are all home safe and sound!! Blake, Cal and I all had a wonderful vacation!! Blake had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's and was a very good boy and Cal and I had a blast in San Fran! We missed Blake but it was nice to relax and have some "us" time! The times I missed Blake most were when I saw a baby around his age. And then on our flight from Vancouver to Edmonton I really started getting excited and when I finally seen him at the airport I was so happy I broke into tears!!!! I think Blake was a bit confused with that, he was kind of looking at me funny! Being a boy and all, I'll have to explain to him how girls can just break into tears at anytime! LOL! It is funny how we were only gone for 3 and 1/2 days, but he looked like he grew! Our New Mom's Group 1st birthday party on Saturday (April 5th) was so much fun! The kids loved playing and digging into their cupcakes. Blake's hands were stained blue from the icing! He had it all over his face! It was very cute :) My first day of work is this Monday (April 14th), so the next few days are busy getting ready! I also have my friend Lindsey's shower and stagette on Saturday, so that day will be busy with those events! I hope to get everything done today and tomorrow and then spend Sunday just relaxing with Cal and Blake. I'd like to get Blake weighed and measured at some point, but not sure if that's going to fit in! Maybe we'll just weigh him at home. I've noticed that he is filling out quite a bit since he's started the formula, so I'm interested to see how much weight he's gained! He's waving like crazy now! Pretty much any time you say bye or hi to him and wave to him, he starts flapping his arm! It is really cute!! He's also pointing. But it's kind of random! Just a finger pointed in the air! LOL! I hope everyone is doing great! I hear it is supposed to be +18 on Sunday! Keeping my fingers crossed!! Take care :)

Luv Tracy

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

So glad you guys had a great trip and Blake had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa's! Can't believe it's time for you to go back to work already!! Wow, how time flies!