Saturday, December 20, 2008

What a month!!!

December has been quite the month. I think I'll be happy to see the New Year!

Blake and Cal are both struggling through the cold I passed on to them (sorry boys). Blake's been doing okay, just very stuffed up and coughing a lot. On Wednesday night his cough sounded a lot like croup - that "barky" cough and he was up the majority of the night with us. He had to sleep pretty much upright. Cal stayed home with Blake on Thursday. Since then his cough has loosened up a lot and hopefully things will clear up asap. Cal is all stuffed up and has a sore throat. Geez!! And my sinuses are still draining. Hopefully we'll all be 100% before Christmas :)

To add to the month's events, Blake burned his arm on the oven last night. He's been pulling on the oven door for quite awhile now but has never actually opened it. Apparently now he can open it. I was making pizza in the oven last night and turned around to do something and when I turned back the oven was open and Blake was holding his arm. So I immediately ran it under cold water but I wasn't sure if he'd actually burned himself or not. He wasn't upset and I couldn't see anything. Then during dinner I noticed a big red area on the underside of his wrist and when I looked closer there was a little blister. So we put a bandaid on it and today I went to put Polysporin on it and saw that the blister had broken. Which isn't good! We'll keep an eye on it and hope it doesn't get infected. I will be locking the stove from now on!!

I have to thank Cal and Blake for my early Christmas present! On Wednesday Cal did some Christmas shopping and he and Blake gave me an early gift! I've been reading the Twilight series and needed the 3rd book. On the gift tag it said, "To Mom: Thought you might like this a little bit early. Thanks for being the #1 Mom! Love Blake." It was very sweet of them and made my day :)

Last night Eric and Christa came over and Eric helped Cal haul the dresser/change table and crib into the babies room. We unpacked the dresser and the crib parts and Cal's going to finish putting the crib together tonight. We put all the neutral clothes in to the dresser last night. It looks really nice. I'll take a picture once the crib's up! We need to get a few things still - a crib mattress, a change pad for the top of the dresser, some more receiving blankets, wash clothes, a mobile, and some shelves for the wall. That's what we've thought of so far! And we'll get the crib bedding once the baby arrives.

Blake and I went to Beaumont this morning to see Candace and Nicholas. It was so nice to see them, I wish we lived closer. I miss Candace so much!! The boys were very good and shared very nicely! Nicholas was very generous with his toys!! It was cute to see them together. Too bad I forgot my camera! Cal is at hockey right now and depending on when Blake wakes up we may take Blake to see Santa (again). Hopefully we'll be able to get a good picture! Tomorrow we hope to go to church. It's the "choir" service so it should be really nice. The choir is amazing and Blake loves music, so I think he'd really enjoy it! But if Blake and Cal aren't feeling better we may not make it.

We hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and wrapping up, if not done their Chrismtas shopping! 5 more days till the 25th!!!! (like you needed a reminder, right?!)

Luv Cal, Tracy, Blake & Baby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad thatyou got to visit with candace and Nicholas. I wish I had been able to stop by and see you both. I miss you guys! Hopefully we'll be able to catch up soon! Bigs hugs and kisses to you all! And a belly rub too! xoxo