Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why not?!

So I went to the Dr. yesterday to get this "cold" checked out again and it is just that - a cold. I was hoping it wasn't a virus and that I could get some drugs to cure it!! But I am actually feeling better today so that's good! Now Blake and Cal aren't feeling great :( Cal woke up with a sore throat and Blake is coughing and is very, very stuffy. Makes it hard for the little guy to sleep. I just wish he could blow his nose and clear everything out. I'm hoping his cold doesn't turn into an ear infection - that wouldn't be good with Christmas quickly approaching. Cal started taking Cold FX today, so hopefully that scares off the worst of the cold.

My Dr. appointment went all right. I lost 1 pound since Thursday and I'm measuring big. The baby is head down and the Dr. seemed to think I could be early! I don't think so, I'm hoping I go into labour right around the due date actually! She also looked at the swelling in my legs again and we talked about the problems in my right leg. She said it sounds like sciatica and recommended I go off work early. She also recommended wearing pressure stockings, which I find funny because at work the O.T.'s always prescribe pressure stocking for the elderly patients!! But I know the principles behind swelling and what happens to your veins, etc. so I'm going to go tonight and buy myself a pair of "stockings". Still makes me laugh :)

I was really on the fence about leaving work early. Not sure how to put it, but I try not to be "like that"! I also really enjoy my job, but have to admit it has been hard this past month with me being sick, Blake being sick and having to switch day homes. Anyways, last night I decided why the heck not. I'll get some extra rest time before the baby arrives and things get crazy and Blake and I will get some extra time together as well. And it will be nice to be home with Blake and Cal on Cal's Monday's off. So my last day of work will be either Dec. 29 or Dec. 31. I'll be busy these last few days wrapping things up at work and planning for the new year. When I started this position everything was left in such a mess and there was not much direction/guidance provided, so I want to be sure that whoever comes into my position is clear on their role - and I like organizing so I'll be in my element! LOL! I also want to make everything as easy as possible for the O.T. because she's so busy as it is, she doesn't need to worry about "my" job as well! It was a hard decision to leave early, but easy in the end!!

When I got home from work I saw that E-Children had called, so I checked the message and was very surprised to hear that our crib and dresser/change table is in!! I'm very excited to see it in the babies room! Last night Cal and I cleaned the room up a bit more and brought up all the neutral 0-3 month clothes - I can't wait to get them in the dresser! Cal hopes to pick up the furniture tomorrow. We're not going to buy crib bedding until the baby is born, that way we can go blue or pink. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that the babies heart rate was between 128 and 135 yesterday, which if you follow the old wives tale means it's a boy! Blake's was quite low in the end too! We'll see ... We still haven't confirmed our names yet, so we better get on it!

We're looking forward to a very relaxing weekend. Cal has hockey on Saturday afternoon and other than that we're just going to be hanging out. I would like to take Blake for a sleigh ride, but that won't happen unless it warms up a bit more! Take care everyone!

Luv Tracy

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