Friday, May 20, 2011

Blake Smith

There is a reason God gave us Blake as our 1st born ... he was meant to be a big brother :)  He is such an amazing brother to his sister's, it brings tears to my eyes some days!  Don't get me wrong, he is a "normal" 4 yr old boy in that he does fight with his siblings, but the majority of the time he is so patient, kind and gentle with them :) 

He is very tolerant with Emerson!  She knows how to get under his skin and push his buttons, but he takes a lot of it in stride ;)  He also plays very well with her and goes out of his way to make sure she is involved in whatever he is playing!  He involves her in his games and watches over her at the play gym!!  It is very sweet and I think Emerson is going to be very lucky to have him, as she is now, as the years go on and they reach the school years.

Blake also loves Reese so much, it is just adorable!  When Reese was born, his preschool teacher would tell me after almost every class how he talked about his new baby sister everyday :)  How cute is that :)  He HAS to say goodnight to Reese before her naps and bedtime.  No matter where he is in the house, I make sure to let him say goodnight and give her a hug and kiss or he is very upset!  I'm not sure what he'll think of having 2 younger sisters as the years go by, but I know he will always be looking out for them and for that I am extremely grateful!

Blake has learned so much this year at preschool, but he never really imparts to us what his day has involved.  We often find out in little things he says or does when we ask, "Where'd you learn that??"  and he'll say, "At school."  Just last week we were driving to the south side and he asked me, "Where does the Earth end?" I asked him what he knew about the Earth and he said, "Lots, we learned at school."  I'm glad he's absorbing everything from preschool, but hope he won't be bored next year, as he has 1 more full year before he can start Kindergarten! 

Blake is really enjoying his new swimming lessons.  Cal says they work the kids pretty hard!  It is more intense than the 1st level of unparented lessons were, but Blake is doing awesome!!!  He told us today that he wants to move up to Gliders!  We'll see at the end of this session if he's ready for that!  Blake's also talking about playing hockey again.  He's already getting excited and so we've registered him in a hockey camp.  It is in August and runs for 5 mornings.  Hopefully he'll enjoy himself!  He's also going to a YMCA summer camp in July, which runs for 5 mornings!   

I find Blake to be a very gentle, kind soul.  He seems so innocent and vulnerable to me at times, but I have seen him stand up for himself and for that I am glad :)  He is so positive and is always looking at the bright side!  Sometimes he'll want to do something and I'll say, "I'm sorry bud, maybe tomorrow or maybe on the weekend."  He'll think about it for a moment and then say, "Oh yeah Mom, that's okay.  We can .... when Dad's home or on Saturday or before supper, etc, etc." and go off happily to do something else :)

We love you so much Blake, you bring big smiles to our faces every day and we are so glad you are you!  Don't ever change buddy, the world needs more people with your positivity and glass 1/2 full outlook on life :)


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