Monday, May 16, 2011

E.N.T., Birthday Party and Dr. visit's!

Blake had his E.N.T. appointment at the U of A on Monday May 9th.  I thought we would be getting a date for a surgery to remove at least 1 of the 2 extra sinuses, but thankfully they do not need to be removed (yet)!  They have never been infected or bothered Blake in any way, so until they get infected we will just leave them alone.  We did not go to the E.N.T. to discuss Blake's ear infections, but he did ask about his ear infection hx and was a bit concerned over the amount of ear infections Blake has had since turning 1.  Although he was glad to hear that he has never had 1 in the summer months and that the the frequency of infections drastically decreased after he stopped going to a dayhome.  He had back to back ear infections from the minute he started going to a dayhome when he was 1 until he stopped going to the dayhome at age 19 months.  They did not all require antibiotics (some were viral infections) and I don't remember 1 keeping him down or bothering him in any way, other then the runny nose that started them all!  Between between ages 2 and 3 he only had 2 or 3 (once again none that I remember bothering him greatly), but between age 3 and 4 he's had 4 and 2 of these have caused quite a bit of pain and the last one was apparently an extremely bad double ear infection.  The E.N.T. said kids will usually grow out of ear infections at around age 7, so we have a few years to go!  Hopefully this winter he won't have too many!  We have to follow up with the E.N.T. in December, as he wants to continue to monitor his sinuses as well as the # of ear infections, if any that he is getting.  He also had a hearing test while we were there and I am happy to report that his hearing is excellent!  So all those times he made us wonder if he had hearing troubles, he was just ignoring us ... go figure ;)  I took the 3 kids to the appt. by myself and I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all 3 for behaving so well :)  2 different people commented on how well behaved they were.  Definitely made my day!!

Sunday afternoon we hosted Blake's 4th birthday party for family and friends at the Jump Zone.  We had a great time bouncing, sliding, breaking the pinata, enjoying dinner and cake and visiting!!  Blake loved the fireman theme he chose and thought it was pretty cool that all the kids were able to bring home their own fire chief hat :)  A huge thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us and spoil Blake!  We loved having you all and Blake is enjoying playing with his new gifts!
Today we had pediatrician appt's for Reese's 6 month check up and Blake's 4 year check up.  My Mom came with us, which was really nice of her :)  Reese and Blake are both healthy and growing like weeds!!  Reese weighed in at 16 lbs 11 oz and measured 26 " long, both 75th %tile for her age!!!  Her head was in the 60th %tile.  Quite a change from our 2 month old baby who was not putting on weight!!!  Blake weighed in at 43 lbs and measured 43".  His growing has certainly slowed down, but he is still in the 90th %tile for his age for both weight and height! 

And today Reese had her 1st taste of rice cereal!  She was definitely ready and gobbled quite a bit ... she loved it!  So we'll add that into our daily schedule, which some days might be a challenge!!!  I think the cereal may have given her a bit of an upset tummy though, as she's passing really stinky gas tonight and having trouble falling asleep :(  Hopefully her little tummy will adjust soon!  I can't believe she is old enough to start solids :(  I'm loving watching her grow, learn and change, but find it hard to believe she's almost 6 months old already.  All I can think is, "My baby!!!!"  That's something she will have to live with for the rest of her life, although they are all my babies, she is the "baby" of the family and I'm sure will often be reminded of that!

Emerson did not have a Dr. appt. today, but enjoyed the trip and reaped the rewards of the post Dr. visit sucker!!!  She was so cute in the waiting room - she got my nursing cover out of my purse and proceeded to put it on and "feed" her baby ;)  She's such a little Mommy!!  I can't wait to remind her of these times when she's a teenager ... !  Emerson is also giving us trouble tonight :(  She can certainly be stubborn and hard to handle at times!!!  Not so easy for Cal and I to deal with, but on the bright side I don't think we'll ever have to worry about her being pushed around in life ... she's the boss!!!!

Hope you are all doing well, enjoying the weather when the wind is not howling and keeping the mosquito's at bay!

Take care,


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