Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Emerson :)

Emerson was so excited to open her gifts from Blake, Reese, Cal and I!  She LOVED the Sophia book her brother and sister picked out for her at Chapter's and was also very excited to open up Lambie from Doc McStuffins!!  She is still all about the stuffies :)  With her birthday money from her Great Grandma's, she would like to buy a stuffed monkey.  I think that is the only animal she doesn't have yet!!! 

Emerson was treated to a super fun date with Grandma D on her birthday!  They went for tea/lunch/treats at the Duchess bakery and went shopping at Kingsway Mall.  Grandma let Em pick out a new outfit, Emerson had a great time, thank you so much Grandma D!!!  I have a feeling she won't be taking off this new top and tutu for quite a while ...

The rest of our day was somewhat crazy, most especially for Cal who played 2 hockey games and was on the ice for Blake's hockey practice!!  All in new skates ... needless to say they are broken in now!!  My Mom dropped Em off at our house, picked up Blake and took him to his hockey practice where he met Cal.  The girls and I got ready to go to a friend's 6th birthday party.  After hockey practice Cal dropped Blake off at the party and headed to his last game of the day.  The kids had a blast at the Angry Birds themed party and Emerson especially was very happy to see the face painter/entertainer Lady Dolphin!!!  She is quite enamored with her and I must say Lady Dolphin sure knows how to entertain ;)  Emerson had her face painted 2 times - the first time as Princess Leia and the second time as Ariel!!  

The kids and I headed home for bedtime and then my Mom came over to babysit for us (thank you sooo much for all your running around on the 16th Mom.  Without you we would not have been able to do even half of this! ).  A friend picked me up and we met our hubbies at the Oiler's game!!  It was a wicked game!!!  After the game we went to a pub for a few hours, great double date night :)

Emerson had a wonderful day and was appropriately spoiled :)

Sunday was bit slower paced with Blake's hockey game followed by a pizza dinner (as requested by Em) and 2 delicious birthday cakes (1 Emerson picked up from Duchess and the rainbow cake that fell over before her birthday party!  Both were DELICIOUS ;) )  And so Em's birthday celebrations wrapped up ... lucky little girl, there were many days of celebration :)

Emerson, we can not believe it has already been 4 years since we were blessed with our first baby girl.  I remember the surprise when the Dr. said, "It's a girl!"  I remember looking at my Mom and your Dad with what I'm sure was a shocked expression on my face!  When I checked into the hospital on what would be your birth day, 8 days post due date, the clerk joked (direct quote), "It's going to be a stubborn little girl!"  Then when you were born, as one of the nurses was assessing you, she said, "She's going to be saying her ABC's by the time she is one!"  And sure enough, by the age of 2 you were speaking full sentences and surprising everyone with your vocabulary!!  Thank you Emerson for all the joy, love, hugs, kisses, twirls, fashion shows, stories and excitement you bring to our every day!!  Don't ever lose your fierce independent streak, it will serve you well in years to come but also never lose your big heart and loving nature.  You are one of a kind Miss Em and we are so proud to be your Mom and Dad :)  Love you beyond words sweetheart!


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