Monday, February 11, 2013

Where does the time go?!

My gosh, Emerson's 4th birthday will soon be upon us - unbelievable.

We've been busy the last few weeks.  On the 2nd we were invited to a friends surprise 40th birthday party.  We had a great time - my time was a little too great ... let's just say I was not feeling very well on Sunday and very thankful for an awesome husband who came home Saturday night at a decent time to pay the babysitter and let her get home at a decent time ;)  Oh and I should also give my awesome hubby props for allowing me to sleep off my self-induced illness on Sunday morning/early afternoon!!  This year is the year of 40th birthday's amongst a group of our friends, so we have quite a few of these parties coming up!!  Great to get together with friends who we don't see as often as the old days.  So anyways, Sunday for me was pretty low-key but it was Superbowl Sunday, so Cal headed to a friends house to take in the game while I got the kids to bed early and resumed my horizontal position on the couch ;)

We had our first Oilers tickets of this shortened NHL season on the 6th.  It was great to take in a game, we're happy to be season ticket holders again (1/4 of the games!) and look forward to these much needed date nights :)

On the 7th, the kids and I picked up Cal from a course he was on and we headed to the RV show.  We really had no need to go but we've been visiting the show every year for so many years, we really wanted to go!!  Plus we hoped to see our new trailer, which we did!  This link should take you to photos of a trailer nearly exactly like ours (!  Can't wait to tow it home and especially can't wait for our first camping trip!!

That brings us to the weekend and Emerson's 4th 'Rainbow Dash' birthday party!!!  Em requested a gymnastics birthday party for the 3rd year!  We tried to host the party on her actual birthday but due to a competition being held at the gym on the 16th, the gym was not open for parties on that day.  So we held the party on the 9th.  The 1 hour of floor time with the gymnastics coaches is always a big hit and a lot of fun :)  We had cake, played a few games and opened gifts during our 1 hour in the party room!  Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us, Emerson had a blast and we hope all the kidlets enjoyed themselves :)  After the birthday party, we went out for dinner with our good friends, the Streadwick family.  It was Julie's 40th birthday that day so a big celebration was in order!!  Although we had an 1 1/2 wait before we were seated and spent an 1 1/2 at the table (way past the kids bedtime!), we had a fabulous time and all the kids were so great!!  It was a nice end to the day :)

The next day we all went to Blake's hockey game to cheer on the Bobcats!!  After hockey, Mom and Dad came over as we had invited my cousin Aaron, his wife Daryl and their baby Brody over for supper.  It was great to visit with Aaron and Daryl and meet Brody!  He's such a cutie and reminded me of Blake as a baby ... I think maybe it was his cute head of hair :)

Which brings us to the 11th, Cal's 34th birthday!!  We had a great day, taking Blake to school and then hitting Tim Horton's for a breakfast date ;)  We had dinner and cake that night for Cal and as usual, the kids were super excited to give their Dad his birthday gift and sing Happy Birthday!!

This week is meet week ... again!!!  It always comes far to soon in my opinion :s  Such a crazy, hectic time leading up to meet week.  Cal is also playing Telus hockey on Thursday night and is in a corporate cup hockey tournament this weekend.  Saturday is Emerson's 4th birthday, we have a birthday party that afternoon and Cal and I are going to the Oilers game that night!!  Once again, super busy but FUN busy so we shouldn't complain ;)

Take care, have a great week!!


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