Saturday, November 1, 2014

Oh What A Night!

Yes, it's Halloween Night :)

I've loved Halloween for many years but even more so since becoming a Mom!!  I really enjoy this fun time of year - from making fun school treats, to decorating the yard, to pumpkin carving and roasting pumpkin seeds, to helping the kids choose costumes, to volunteering in the kids classrooms and the Halloween parade at Blake's (and now Em's) school!!!  I love it all!
This year I made super cute Frankenstein pudding cups for Reese's preschool class and 1 for each Blake and Emerson to enjoy during their Halloween parties at school.  And then a Ghost lollipop treat for all the kids classmates!!  So much fun and quite simple (thank you Pinterest!!)

Our Halloween festivities began with Reese's Preschool Halloween party on the Wednesday.  I volunteered during the party and had a great time with my little Reesey!!  Our Preschool parties are always so fabulous, with creative, age-appropriate (aka the 3 and 4 year olds can actually do them with out too much adult help!), yummy and fun themed snacks.  Our teachers are the best!

Wednesday night the girls were allowed to wear their costumes to dance.  They had fun with that and enjoyed seeing all their dance friends in costume!  Blake normally comes with us to dance but Wednesday evening he had a hockey practice so I dropped him off at Cal's work.  Blake was disappointed because he wanted to wear his costume to dance - lol!

Friday morning was Emerson's classroom party.  Cal has vacation time that he can not carry over to next year, so he took Friday off and dropped Reese off at preschool so I could stay at school with Em.  Cal went to his November Project workout Friday morning and wore Reese's mermaid wig - looked pretty good on him ;)  Em and I had fun in her classroom with cute crafts, Halloween stories and songs and a Halloween parade through the school!  All the kids were so cute in their costumes and my little Dorothy was the sweetest!!
Emerson and I picked Reese up from Preschool and then at 1 pm we met Cal back at the school for Blake's Halloween parade.  I love seeing all the kids parading through the school gym!  Some of the costumes are so well done and original, it's awesome!  All the younger siblings dress up too and join their siblings when it is their classes turn to parade around!  After the parade Cal took Em and Reese home (with a lot of protest from Emerson ... sigh) and I got to join Blake's class for the remainder of the afternoon! 
And that brings us to Halloween night!!  My Mom came over to see the kids in their costumes and snap a few pics and see us off into the full night of trick-or-treating!  We always visit our neighbours across the street first.  They have an awesomely decorated house, even the inside and they are always dressed up!  Then it's down the block as we make our way towards the Parenteau's house.  We've been trick-or-treating with them for many years and always have a blast!!  This year the weather was fantastic and the kids were go-go-go!!  We were trick-or-treating for 2.5 hrs and we hauled home more candy then one family of 5 would ever need!  Our community league held a yard decorating contest this year and there were some people in the community who went alllll out!!!  Lots of 'The Walking Dead' themed yards (which I LOVE!!  Love the show!)!  The kids weren't even freaked out by all the zombie's and freaky music, so much fun!
(note: Blake wore 1 costume (Rocket Raccoon), Reese wore 2 costumes (Ariel and Dalmatian Puppy) and Emerson wore 3 different costumes (Anna for dance class, Dorothy and Curious George (a monkey costume but she said she was Curious George!)!)
Hope you all had a fun Halloween!  Our kids are already talking about what they will be next year!

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